Privacy and Data Protection Policy

About this policy:

This statement sets out the essential details relating to the data we collect, the uses made of it and your rights in relation to the data collected.

What data we collect:

As part of our tour booking process, we collect names and email address of natural parents of students booking our scheduled tours, the names, dates of birth, email address and mobile phone numbers of students booking tours, and the names and addresses and contact numbers of the students’ host parents in New Zealand. We also have access to credit card numbers which are stored on the website of our credit card payments agent. We do not store credit card numbers within our office.

We also compile a list of emails and contact details for schools hosting international students in New Zealand.

When we have inbound special interest groups, we collect their names, passport number and dates of birth of the members of the group and accompanying tour leaders.

Why we collect this data:

We collect this data so that we have means of communication with parents, host parents, students and schools, and in the case of credit cards, so that we can charge additional costs for flights, activities or other unexpected items to those cards. In the case of the special interest groups, the data is stored in case of emergencies.

What do we use the data for:

See above. Without this data we cannot provide the high level of service we wish to provide to all our stakeholders. We do not forward data to third parties except for operational purposes e.g. names and ages to our suppliers so that appropriate rates are charged.

On occasions we may use some email addresses to sample opinions on our business performance.

We do not use email or mobile numbers for marketing purposes nor to transfer to other countries.

Data retention:

We keep your personal data only as long as necessary to provide deliver our tours and for legitimate and essential business purposes, such complying with our legal obligations, and resolving disputes.

Where we are required to retain the personal data for our legal, tax, audit, and accounting obligations, we will retain the necessary personal data for the period required by applicable law.

Your rights:

You have the right to see your personal data kept by us, to have it edited or permanently deleted. We will comply provided it does not infringe our legal responsibilities.


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