Meet the team

Adele Marsden – Director

Adele’s exceptional people-skills and in-depth knowledge and experience of the travel industry form a sound basis for managing NZET. A Kiwi from Wellington, Adele worked for 15 years in the outbound tour operators industry based in London, becoming a tour manager and later operations supervisor and manager for Contiki Tours in Europe and Russia. Her role included selection and training of tour managers and drivers, and instilling a strong customer focus to ensure clients experienced a holiday that exceeded their expectations.

Adele’s strengths led to her promotion to operations director at the significantly larger sister company, Trafalgar Tours. She and her team of 10 managed nearly 300,000 passengers a year, with 300 coaches on the road at once – all great experience for her role at NZET.

Email: [email protected]  |  Phone: +64 7 571 0796

Scott Henderson - Business Development Manager

Scott is the Business Development Manager for New Zealand Educational Tours (NZET)

Scott looks after the relationships with NZ high schools, develops new tour products and takes care of all the marketing at NZET.

He hails from the mighty Waikato and has resided in Tauranga for the last 15 years. In 2016 he completed his Master of Education, which included his study into the motivating factors of international students in both coming to New Zealand high schools initially, as well as their motivations to stay in New Zealand to complete their tertiary education.

As a trained ESOL teacher, experience with exchange students, marketing, student recruitment and tourism background, armed with six languages, Scott thrives on being in the Education Tourism Industry with NZET. He is extremely enthusiastic about young people and loves to see the smiles on students’ faces after they have just had the adventure of their young lives and made lifelong friendships.

When he's not working or travelling, Scott is a man of the sea, chasing fish, crayfish, waves and the sun.

Email: [email protected]  |  Phone: +64 7 571 0796



Dana Harmens – Operations Manager

Born and bred in the sunny Bay of Plenty, Dana has a background in sales and hospitality and loves taking over a kitchen if she’s out on tour!

Dana manages the operations for our student tours and oversees the general tour preparations. Keeping active and with a passion for sport and travel Dana also enjoys heading out on the road as a Tour Manager for our Special Interest groups and interacting with our friends from all around the world. Dana has a huge love of the South Island which she thinks is a MUST DO for everyone!

Email: [email protected]  | Phone: +64 7 571 0796


Jenna Richards – Groups Manager

Jenna grew up in Christchurch and moved to Tauranga in 2014 after returning home from five years in London.

It was during her time living in London where she discovered her passion for travel - travelling extensively throughout Europe and working for a number of international travel companies including Expedia, and Eurostar.

Her background is in marketing and she now works for NZET part-time as the Groups Manager. She liaises with our inbound groups from all over the world, designing specialised itineries and putting the tours together to suit the clients.

Jenna believes travel to be so enriching, and often life-changing, and loves working for a company that offers young people the chance to experience this with our own beautiful country and culture.

Email: [email protected]  |  Phone: +64 7 571 0796



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